How To Record Iptv On Zgemma – HQ IPTV Provider

How To Record IPTV on Zgemma

If you’re looking to record IPTV on your Zgemma, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will show you step-by-step instructions on how to record your favorite TV channels on your Zgemma.

What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It is a relatively new way of transmitting and broadcasting television channels over a broadband internet connection instead of using traditional cable or satellite. IPTV gives you the flexibility to watch TV channels on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and laptops.

Why Record IPTV on Zgemma?

Recording IPTV on your Zgemma means that you can watch your favorite TV shows or movies at your convenience. You don’t have to worry about missing your favorite program anymore as you can record it and watch it later. Recording IPTV on your Zgemma also means that you can create your own library of favorite shows or movies.

How To Record IPTV on Zgemma?

Before we start, ensure that you have an external hard drive connected to your Zgemma. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Press the ‘Menu’ button on your Zgemma remote control

2. Select ‘Setup’

3. Scroll to ‘Record setup’ and select it

4. Select ‘Recording paths setup’

5. Select ‘Add’

6. Choose ‘HDD’ and select the external hard drive you have connected

7. Press ‘Green’ to save the settings

Now that you have set up your hard drive, let’s record IPTV on your Zgemma:

1. Find the TV channel you want to record

2. Press the ‘OK’ button on your remote control

3. Scroll down and select ‘Record’

4. Choose the recording duration (where applicable) and press ‘OK’

5. You can then find your recording in the ‘TV Recordings’ section

Tips on How to Record IPTV on Zgemma

1. Ensure that your external hard disk is formatted to NTFS or EXT3

2. Set up a recording schedule so you don’t miss any programs

3. Choose the right quality settings in the Recording Paths Setup to save space on your hard drive

4. If you run out of space on your hard drive, you can transfer your recordings to another device or delete the ones you no longer need


Recording IPTV on your Zgemma is a great way to keep up with your favorite programs. With the instructions provided in this article, you can now easily record your favorite TV shows and movies on your Zgemma. Always ensure that you follow the recommended tips to get the best recording experience.

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