How To Get Epg For Iptv On Zgemma – HQ IPTV Provider

How To Get Epg For Iptv On Zgemma

Are you an IPTV user trying to set up the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) on your Zgemma? Do you want to know how to get an EPG so you can access the programming schedule easily? This article will guide you on how to get EPG for IPTV on Zgemma.

What is EPG & Why Is It Important?

EPG or Electronic Program Guide is an interactive tool that displays a list of television programs for the upcoming days on your device screen. It works as a TV guide, providing you with detailed information about the shows and their timing. Having an EPG enables you to search for your preferred TV channels and watch your favored programs without skipping anything.

Getting EPG for IPTV on Zgemma

To get EPG for IPTV on Zgemma, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Install a compatible EPG source

To access the EPG guide for IPTV, you need to install a compatible EPG source. There are several sources to choose from, but the most popular ones are Rytec and Cross EPG. These sources are compatible with Zgemma and IPTV.

Step 2: Add the source URL to the EPG configuration file

After installing the compatible EPG source, add the source URL to the EPG configuration file. This can be done by following these steps:

1. Access the Zgemma box via FTP by using any FTP client.

2. Navigate to /etc/epgimport/rytec/

3. Locate the XMLTV file with “xmltv” extension.

4. Right-click on it and choose edit.

5. Insert the source URL into the relevant line of the code.

6. Save the configuration.

Step 3: Assign the EPG source to your IPTV playlist

Now that you’ve installed and configured the EPG source, assign it to your IPTV playlist. This is done as follows:

1. On the remote control, click on Menu then setup.

2. Select Service searching followed by AutoBouquetsMaker.

3. Pick IPTV as the type of bouquet, then press OK.

4. You should now see a list of channels imported from your playlist; select all by pressing OK.

5. Confirm, and the receiver will save the bouquet files.

Finally, restart your Zgemma device and you should now be able to access the EPG for IPTV by pressing the EPG button on your remote control.


Getting EPG for IPTV on Zgemma is straightforward with these simple steps we have outlined in this article. Ensure to source a compatible EPG and install it on your Zgemma device following the configuration steps we outlined here. Assign it to your IPTV playlist and enjoy your programs without stress.

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